Innovation is our frequency, creativity is our pulse, sign language is our heartbeat.
Innovation is our frequency, creativity is our pulse, sign language is our heartbeat.
Deafradio is a Deaf-run creative hub, providing New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) expertise to deliver innovative opportunities for NZSL accessibility and preservation.
Deafradio - our philosophy is to deliver high-quality resources that honour the value of NZSL and the Deaf Community.
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) is an official language of New Zealand (NZSL Act 2006). NZSL is used by 28,000 New Zealanders (Census 2006).
Seeflow is an innovative online translation service, making information accessible in New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) and English.
DEAFRADIO has a passion for all things NZSL and Deaf-related! Deaf people have a rich history, but the only records of early NZ Sign Language use and its evolution in this country, are on old films and video stock. These are being lost over time to decay or else are being discarded altogether. SignDNA – Sign Language Deaf National Archive – a non-profit project, aims to collect and preserve these artefacts, evidence of the origins and early development of NZSL and Deaf culture in NZ. DEAFRADIO (working with Diversityworks Trust) is currently developing an online archive as a repository of this recorded visual history, to preserve it on behalf of the Deaf community in New Zealand, and make it widely available via an online interface. To be launched late 2013.
Expertise and attention to detail make us an excellent choice for a range of NZSL related projects, from pre-production to post-production.
The DEAFRADIO team bounces our ideas off the walls of MTG RM, and stays hydrated within walking distance of Kingsland aka: coffee central.